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Download Brindys Update

Now you can update Brindys Update, which includes the External Alerts Window, External Alerts List and Brindys Update (the Brindys Update, Brindys BriTray and Brindys BriGUI components) used by GEDEX and the rest of Brindys Software applications. Click the button.

For Windows 11, Windows 10 and previous Windows versions.
Our software does not include spam, viruses or anything similar.

Once you press the button, the Brindys Update installer will download, but you must run it yourself. If you cannot see the downloaded icon, go to your Downloads folder and locate the setup-brindys-update.exe file (sorting the folder by date will make it easier).

If you have limited computer skills, or your computer displays alert screens or notices that prevent you from correctly installing the software, contact us and we will help you. You can also read these instructions.

Discover what is the GEDEX External Alerts Window, what is the GEDEX External Notice List y what is BriTray.

If you are a GEDEX user and have an old version, you can simply update GEDEX (non-commercial-use version / version for customers) and that will update Brindys Update and BriTray.


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BriTray Users Manual
Brindys Software programs and utilities

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